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Samsung Epix i907


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Falls short for my needs


Oct 24, 2008 by mrhondo

This is a great world phone but falls short for my needs.

Good feel and weight
Good response and speed
Keys are tight but worked good and no mistakes
Screen bright and clear
Load and clear sound
Great 3G reception
GPS Start up slow but after it gabbed the Sats fast.
Did all the Windows Mobile Pro apps fine
MS OneNote is support now

Optical Mouse was hard to control, I slowed it down but that made it not move as far in one stroke.
Bluetooth does not work with my Nissan Altma, this is a big con for me because I do a lot of meetings from my car.
Bluetooth pairing with laptop, why does Windows make it so complicated to do, Nokia can pair as soon as I get within range of my PC but this pairs and then looses it.
Active Sync does not give you enough options how to sync.
Keys hard to read, maybe I'm just getting too old, with practice it could get better.
Need adapter (included) to use head set (Not included)
Charger and data cable are unique and to use you need to open a small port on the side... not sure it that little door will last.
Screen print is small, again maybe I'm just getting old but I could not read while driving... Nokia and SE are no problem for me.
AT&T makes you get their PDA Data Package claims it gives you faster INTERNET... I doubt that.
Cingular Video was choppy and stalled.
A finger print magnet.
Heated up while using, not sure if the metal case just holding the heat from my hand or the battery was getting hot.

I took it back because it just did not meet my expectations or requirements. Overall it is a very cool phone and I recommend it to those that already use Blackberrys or similar type phones.

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