LG VX-6100
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Received VX-6100 today but kinda bummed...
After reading all the posts on various forums I decided to switch over to Verizon and was waiting for the VX-6100 to become available. I finally received the phone today and I have to say that I love it! Unfortunately as I was about an hour into the phonebook entries..having entered about 45 contacts,the "0" key started intermittantly working. If I press on it directly it will not work...I have to press firm and slightly off to the right. All the other keys are fine. I can get it to work if I press very firm and directly down. This is the first phone I have bought since an old Nokia 6190 when I was with Pac Bell... 🤣 Anyway...I called Verizon and they are sending another new phone right out but just the same it is kind of a bummer. Anyon...
Recent model LG phones tend to be above average in reliability... BUT... there are always "exceptions to the rule"... and unfortunately your first 6100 phone was one of them...
Don't worry the next one will be fine... And is you are near a real Verizon "company store" they have the equipment to transfer your contact list in a few minute... (if you ask real nice) 😉
~ TMBS ~
That sucks about the button sticking. I had the same problem on a FRU on my old 6000. noticed it after I had already gotten home after getting my FRU. Now I have the 6100 and LOVE IT!! I don't think VZ can do phone book swaps yet for it. At least my store doesn't have it updated for this phone yet. I'll have to call around, I don't feel like entering all 300 numbers in.
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