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Motorola V710


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mid-May to June release?


Apr 21, 2004, 6:42 AM
My wife works for a large outdoor advertising agency and Verizon is one of their clients, she was talking to the Verizon advertising rep. yesterday and was told that Verizon will be releasing several new phones starting mid-May through June. Unfortunatley, no models were discussed.

Apr 21, 2004, 7:56 AM
I would not be suprised if this phone was pushed back to a christmas release as they seem to be planning on touting it as a flagship phone for them and such devices are usually sold then. If not, they really wont have anything good to compete at that time. I hope I am wrong but I see verizon trying to release any non camera phone updates first that they have already commited to with manufacturers and then releasing the higher end phones in a staggered fashion most likely dependant on the remaining inventory of the prior release. well, that is unless there is a public outcry for new phones from their customers which most seem to be pretty complacent.

Apr 21, 2004, 8:02 AM
I understand your viewpoint. But you also have to see that Motorola's telling people that it will be available in the United States at the end of the first half of 2004. Meaning May/June and if it's late July.

Now, I know that this does not mean very much as Motorola does not have the best rep in staying true to their release dates, however the estimated release that they are telling us is only a few months aways. Which makes me believe that there is some truth to it.

Apr 21, 2004, 8:59 AM
Yall just need to chill. Gravaling over this phone is not going to help it come out any sooner. If yall want to know when it comes out visit moto.com and register to get an email that will tell you the phone is available. Quit speculating and talking about I heard from someone who has an inside connection that they heard the phone was coming out Wed/Thur/Fri...THEY DONT KNOW!!!!
I personally can't wait but am not going out the same day to get the phone, I will let yall get the phone figure out all the kinks and bugs and then get the better version of the same phone.

Apr 21, 2004, 9:35 AM
Perhaps you're on the wrong message board, this message board is for those who do speculate on when the phone will be released.

Apr 21, 2004, 10:13 AM
Dctrainer: I personally can't wait but am not going out the same day to get the phone, I will let yall get the phone figure out all the kinks and bugs and then get the better version of the same phone.

Um, BUGS and KINKS!?!?!? I thought we were waiting on Verizon to finish EXTENSIVELY TESTING this thing. If it comes out less than perfect, I will take mine NOW if you please.

Apr 21, 2004, 10:19 AM

Apr 21, 2004, 1:50 PM
I agree to Circuslove, the first batch of phones are always the worst, believe me on that issue. While you guys buy it the first day it comes out I will just wait here and wait until a few months to buy it, wait for the bugs and all that stuff to be fixed. I mean it's been proven there are still flaws in a phone because of the first batch. The first batch of phones is never good

Apr 21, 2004, 10:56 AM
The reason we all speculate and claim "uncle connections" is because we like to actually forum on the forum. Wouldn't be much chat otherwise, now would there? But thanks for the advice.

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