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Casio G'zOne Ravine


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Jan 29, 2011, 9:37 PM
1. Does this phone come with thermometer or is that an app you have to purchase?

2. Does this phone have the ability to READ you your text messages? I think a review portrays that.
Cellular Phone

Feb 15, 2011, 9:14 AM
Hi there. I own this phone and I love it. So let me answer your questions:

Yes, this phone comes with a built in Thermometer. It is included in the G'Zone applications. You have to dig through the menu to find them, but they are there.

Now, I don't know about the ability for the phone to read you text messages. I'll have to look into that. Would be nice to have!

Feb 16, 2011, 4:03 PM
I have a question. I would like to get the Casio G'zOne Ravine, but would not consider getting it unless I could also get the desktop cradle charger. The desktop cradle charger does not come in the box, the Verizon Wireless retail stores do not carry it, and it cannot even be ordered from Verizon Wireless (They say it is out of stock). What should I do?
Cellular Phone

Feb 17, 2011, 10:47 AM
Hi. You may want to try Casio's website. If not, then google the product and you may find a whole list of other vendors who sell it. And then, of course, there's EBAY!! 🙂

Good luck. I hope you can find one at a good price because the Casio Ravine is WORTH it! Best phone on Verizon's network.

Feb 18, 2011, 1:30 PM
I have tried everything trying to find the desktop cradle charger for the Casio Hitachi G'zOne Ravine with no success. I am at the point of thinking that it does not exist. I have even checked the Verizon Wireless web site. They have a listing for it but they say that it is out of stock (maybe it is out of stock because it does not exist); it is really a shame because I would like to get the Ravine, but it would not be practical for me without the desktop charger. Maybe the successor to the Ravine (the next iteration in the evolution of the G'zOne series) will have a desktop charger included in the box. We can only hope.

Apr 4, 2011, 8:04 PM
Something fishy is going on. There are contact points on the Ravine for a desktop charger, but no such animal exists. The desktop charger should come with the phone but it does not. VZW should sell them separately, but they do not. I can only conclude that the desktop charger does not exist. If it did, I would buy the Ravine and get a desktop charger for it. Since the desktop charger does not exist, I shall not purchase the Ravine.

Apr 17, 2011, 9:49 AM
Too bad about your troubles finding the desktop charger, it's out now and in stock as far as I can tell. http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/acce ssory?action=accessoryDetails&archetypeId=123 16&accessoryId=46387

I bought the phone earlier this week and this is one of the first purchases I made to go with it.

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