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HTC Droid Eris


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Does the HTC Droid Eris have any type of GPS navigation at all?


Nov 27, 2009, 4:45 PM
I have been on the phone with Verizon Wireless on and off all day. I was told that the HTC Droid Eris does not have Google maps Navigation, that it just has Google maps Latitude. Does anyone know what in the world that is, if it gives some sort of navigation? If it does not, would someone tell me if that device has any navigation app at all? I was told by customer service that I can not download VZNavigator onto it.

Nov 27, 2009, 4:48 PM
Google Maps Navigation Now Works On Android 1.6

Monday, 1:18 PM by Eric M. Zeman

Today Google announced that the Google Maps Navigation -- the software if first provided only to devices running Android 2.0 -- is available to devices running Android 1.6. Google Maps Navigation offers free turn-by-turn, voice-guided directions between two points. Google Maps Navigation for Android 1.6 also offers support for more layers. The new application is available for free in the Android Market to customers in the U.S.

Nov 27, 2009, 5:00 PM
Thank you for that quick reply. From what I was aware of the Eris runs Android 1.5 which is a bummer.

Nov 27, 2009, 5:17 PM
My bad! You're right. It is 1.5. Sorry to get your and my hopes up. I'm considering getting the Droid Eris.

Nov 27, 2009, 5:24 PM
No worries! This can be easy mix up! I'm a little irked that Verizon would put out a "smart" phone that would not offer any type of navigation at all. *SIGH* Oh well....

Nov 28, 2009, 8:41 AM
I agree but from what I hear, it does so many other things well that I'd be okay with the fact that it doesn't have GPS. I'll stick with my Garmin! :-)

Nov 27, 2009, 10:29 PM
There is an app in the Marketplace I was looking at called And.Viser that is a free turn-by-turn voice GPS app. Mixed reviews. Some say it works great, some say it doesn't. May try it out and see.


Nov 27, 2009, 11:06 PM
There is a pay GPS app called CoPilot Live USA that is supposed to be pretty good. You can get it for $20 thru this weekend at the Marketplace. That is a one time payment, no monthly fees, free updates to maps.

www.alk.com/copilot/android for info.


Dec 4, 2009, 2:41 PM
HTC Eris to Receive Android 2.0 Update in Early 2010

Today, 9:42 AM by Eric M. Zeman

Today Verizon Wireless spokesperson Brenda Raney said in an email to Phone Scoop that the HTC Droid Eris will be updated to at least Android 2.0 -- with Google Maps Navigation and Sense UI -- during the first quarter of 2010. Depending on the timing, the Eris may even be updated to Android 2.1. The Droid Eris currently runs Android 1.5.

Dec 8, 2009, 3:47 PM
Okay, just to clarify (since no one has mentioned it) the Eris DOES have basic GPS navigation services through Google Maps as of this post. It isn't spoken turn by turn directions but you can plot a course and it will follow you along it so you can tell exactly where you are (a test even showed it updated the route fairly easily if deviated from). So while we have to wait for January for the good stuff, you won't be getting lost on your trip this holiday season provided you have a co-pilot.

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