Palm Pre (CDMA)
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palm pre vs blackberry storm
how does the palm pre compare to the storm.i currently have a lg dare and it doesnt open email attachments and the best phone verizon has that does is the storm which i really dont like.will the pre open email attachments and how is sprints service.i drive a truck over the road and need good service.
My Palm Centro opens email attatchments 🤣
and verizon has Centro's
but still go ahead and get the Pre 😁
I had the Storm for about a week then took it back. Battery was terrible and the screen doesn't even lock when on a phone call, you can easily hang up on someone, mute them or put the phone on speaker. Plus that whole screen clicking down gets irritating.
Ahh, but there is an app for that 😁
The Storm isn't a bad phone. The click is a love it or hate it thing and the software was a bit laggy when it came out. Powerful, instant email and lots of apps for it now have put it in third place behind the iphone and Curve in terms of sales.
You have to try them both out and find the one that suits your tastes
Jun 12, 2009, 7:13 AM
Ah-ha it does and it doesn't I have had someone send me an email from AOL and in the mime format and it wouldn't open it but I could on my Storm Called Palm and they were clueless as to why I couldn't open it and the file was only 37k, If there weren't problems with email this is a sweet phone.
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