Palm Pre (CDMA)
Reviews 98
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I Wonder How Many Months It'll Take Verizon ...
May 23, 2009, 8:37 PM get this phone in their stable.
it is all based on how it does on Sprint. If the phone sells great during first 6 months then they said they continue exclusivity. If phone does poor, then it will open to other carriers. But this phone is the future or bust for Palm. Reps from Palm say if it don't do well, then Palm will have to sell cause of costs.
Verizon doesn't deserve this phone anyways. Who wants features locked anyways?
There are a lot of folks late to the party, Verizon is not getting this phone. Sprint "US exclusive" means just that. Sprint let Palm do what they wanted with the Pre, that is one of the reason a Palm official gave when asked why Palm chose Sprint. Verizon would not have allowed, Amazon MP3, open GPS, location based services, probably would have crippled WiFi, etc. Verizon has the Storm, ATT has the iphone and Tmo has the G1. This is Sprints flagship device.
The only other North American carrier getting the Palm Pre is Bell Canada.
They may not get the Pre in itself, but they can very much get a different WebOS phone. AT&T is planned to get a WebOS phone this coming fall, not as nice as the Pre but one nevertheless. And btw, thats not such a bad thing. More WebOS phones out, more developers develop.
If I were to find one on Ebay, could I get it to work on Verizon? 😉
no, its subsidy locked to operate only on the sprint network.
Really Verizon will never release this phone its not lock downable as they like
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