Palm Treo 680
Reviews 44
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Using MP3's as ringtones
Is this possible? I have transfered mp3 files to my memory card but I cannot figure out how to use these as ringtones.
I use Ringo Pro... but see my post for an issue I am having with it on my 680. If I get back the no-vibe on silenced callers, it's everything I use in a r'tone package. And fairly reasonably price if I recall! It does have a limited trial version too, I think.
Good luck
if you conver the mp3's to midi they work fine, and you dont need to pay for an app
the best program to use is not Ringo Pro. Ringo Pro gets rid of your vibrate feature. If you download the Mini Tunes, the program can take any mp3 files on your phone and make them into ring tones. It also has a featur where you can take segments of any of your songs to create the ringtone, instead of only using the begging of the song.
I certainly don't want the begging of the song.
chocolateman85006 said:
I certainly don't want the beginning of the song.
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