Palm Treo 680
Reviews 44
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Advice please on 600 to 680 upgrade.
Apr 26, 2007, 5:34 PM
I currently have a Treo 600 and have been thinking about getting a 680. Has anyone gone from a 600 to a 680 and have any advice? Any problems?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I have 680. It is a very nice phone. Elegant design.
It resets itself when I answer calls. It does it few times a week. Apparently, it is a known defect and a major one too. The phone application is very slow. when you answer a call, there is a delay where U am not sure if I need to press the answer button again or what?
Treo doesn't seem to care. Cingular replaced it once and probably again if I press my case. However, no fix is promised or foreseeable. I am shopping for another PDA.
May 10, 2007, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the info. I've decided to keep my 650 bacause of the problems I've heard of with the 680.
In truth, I do like the 680 better then the 650, but I don't think its worth upgrading to.
May 21, 2007, 5:44 PM
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