BlackBerry 8703e
8703e vs 700W & 700P???
So, now I'm looking at the blackberries. My biggest concerns:
Use is as a modem for a laptop?
Signal strength (700's were best for PDA's that I've ever seen)???
Battery life, stats show the blackberry is worse than the 700's?
Contacts, need ability to store at least 1,000 and need the ability for it to create a new contact from a number that called me?
Should I wait (is the Pearl coming out on VZW?)?
Any and all feedback would be appreciated.
Here's the thing, in the few days I've had this blackberry I've TRIED to get it to lock up or mess up in some way shape or form and it hasn't. I've checked out the common issues with blackberries and they are mild in comparison to the treo's and from what I can tell do not include lockups.
Bottom line is I need something for email, contacts, calendar and phone. The treo's had a lot of extras over the BB, and we're overall a nicer device to have but the ...
Stick with BlackBerry. Like you, I've tried them all and There isn't a better option as of yet. I really like the 8703e the best, but switched to the 8700c (cingular) for business reasons.
T-Mobile's 8700G will give you the lightning fast email delivery (no joke! blink of an eye), but their reception?...coming from VZW it could be painful. Cingular is by far the Slowest on email delivery...like waiting for paint to dry...
Once Cingular gets their network up to snuff they will easily take Verizon. Verizon just nickle and dimes their customers far too much. Disable bluetooth file transfer on all phones, create BS service to do something similar and charge monthly for it citing "security reasons". Disable DUN on all phones, create BS service to do the same thing and charge monthly for it again citing "security reasons"...Same routine over and over.
If they didn't truly have the best network, they would be in last place in market share...
I have to admit though, the 700wx is a really cool device.