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LG enV VX-9900


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Ring Tone Volume


Jan 4, 2007, 1:02 PM
Anyone else notice that this phone is not very loud? Have had the 8000 and the 8100 and i get loud sounds from those, ringers and tones. I thought that maybe phone manufacturers are toning them down because of inconsiderate people in public places blasting out there ringers? Don't know, but know i cant hear phone when i am driving with phone in pocket as i could here on the 8000&8100.
Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks bob

Jan 4, 2007, 1:57 PM
Well the speakers are unlike the 8000 & 8100 those were on the outside the 9900's speakers are on the inside so when it is closed the speakers are a bit muffled

Jan 4, 2007, 2:04 PM
True, the ringtones are much louder if you have the phone open when it rings. (unlikely, right?) This is because the speakers they put in the 9900 are a bit quieter than the 9800/8100/8000 to provide clearer sound for mp3's/movies/etc...
Try setting your default ringer to "Ringtone 5" and tell me it's too quiet when it rings. 🤣
It may just be that your "personal" ringers are at a low bit-rate, therefore quieter.
Hope this helps! 😁

Jan 4, 2007, 3:08 PM
Some I have created were quieter than others, just had to do some adjusting with bit-rate as Ashaneen said. Otherwise regular ones were fairly loud also. Try changing your Master Volume to high and see if that helps.

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