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Need help getting videos on the phone


Dec 25, 2006, 10:41 PM
I am using the latest version of SUPER and everytime I convert a file I always get the error message and when I try the options they suggest I get the same error it seems.

If I wanted to convert an AVI file could someone please tell me the exact options I would need to pick to make this work on my phone.

For example there are 2 options for 3gp (not even sure thats the right video option for the phone).

So could someone please tell me exactly what I need to pick in the latest version of SUPER?


Dec 26, 2006, 2:03 PM
1. -3gp (sony ericsson)
2. MPEG-4
3. AAC
Video Scale Size = 320x240
Aspect = 4:3
Frame/Sec (depends on source video for non-jittery output), but you can try "15fps" first or "30fps" if that makes choppy video playback.
bitrate = 192kbps (you can go higher or lower depending on your preference for smaller video file size OR clarity of output video.
Sampling frequency = 24000
Channels = 2
Bitrate kbps = 128
DVD Language = Default
Hope this helps 👀

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