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LG enV VX-9900


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frustrated with bitpim


Dec 15, 2006, 1:30 PM
okay this may be a dumb quesiton but:
I got bitpim to work with my 8600 but when I try and hook my 9900 up it is saying the driver is wrong, is it the same driver? I am trying to move what is on my 86 to my 99. HELP... 😲

Dec 15, 2006, 2:03 PM
I had trouble with bitpim as well, it's not picking up my phone at all via bluetooth so anyone with knowledge please hit us with it.

Dec 15, 2006, 4:53 PM
I've used vx9800 and vx8500... it starts taking the phonebook, but then it stops the normal speed and goes into a slow upload, which doesn't do anything.

What you need to do is get the list off your phone first, then update the list on your pc with import from excel or outlook, and send the data back to the phone. If it starts behaving strange, then kill it and start again. After a few tries I got my entire phone book there.

P.S. using bluetooth.

Jan 5, 2007, 9:24 PM
for the person frustrated with bitpim:

bitpim isn't an expert at automatically detecting the phone. I had to tell mine that its a vx9900 from the list and even then it failed to detect which com port its doing bluetooth on.
Once your enV is paired with your pc via bluetooth, you still have to start the Serial port service. Your bluetooth software should notify you which COM port it connected the service to. Then tell bitpim manually to look for the enV at that COM port. Don't worry about it detecting it, when you send data to phone, it'll be sending it to the right port and communicate with the device.

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