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UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache


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***Can Java or SSL or Secure sights be signed in at all, anyway???****


Mar 1, 2006, 6:32 PM
HEy all still thinking of buying this device but I am a little frustrated I was using the device today and came to find out you cannot go on websites and sign in with a pasword and user name. So for instance any website that has a java script, or ssl, or some type of login security to the site you cannot view or get into with the base programming for the 6700. So how do I get around this. I want to be able to log into all of these sights ie " bank sight, ebay, secure" ?????

Mar 1, 2006, 10:00 PM
SSL works fine. Cookies work fine. Haven't specifically tested Java or Javescript yet. I know what you're talking about though, because I can't login to my bank site either. I suspect Java and/or Javascript are unsupported. My bets are on Java (knowing the whole Micro$oft vs. Java saga).


Mar 1, 2006, 11:23 PM
I am able to enter in internet banking site. I haven't found anything that I haven't been able to log into.

Mar 2, 2006, 1:42 AM
From looking at the HTML source for my banks login page, it's Javascript. Form has name=FormX. Login button has onclick=FormX.submit(). On the XV6700, clicking the login button does nothing. Could be wrong, but it sure looks to me like basic Javascript support is broken, or missing completely. 🙄

[time passes...]

Some Googling around indicates that others have hit the same problems that that it's generally due to Javascript support only up to v1.5 and no Java support at all.


Mar 2, 2006, 8:08 AM
I use a different browser, Opera. Got it from www.opera.con its free for 45 days then $30 and the only way Ive got it oonto my PPC is via BT file transfer.

Mar 6, 2006, 12:44 AM
I used to have the same problem. I couldn't access my banking site or any site that required log in. what I did to get around it is any time it doesn't work when I hit the button to log in or enter or whatever it may be if it doesn't work I hit refresh in the menu folder then I hit the button again and it works fine

Mar 19, 2006, 12:47 AM
Look in to NetFront. This program allowed me to do a lot more than Pocket IE. You can save images from the web with NetFront.

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