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UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache


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Speaker volume and dialing speed - 2 qwirks!


Jan 28, 2006, 12:25 PM
I have 2 qwirks with this XV6700 that bothers me and wonder how others feel and if there is a fix.

1) The volume of the receiver is very low (compared to my E815) and hard to hear people talking to me. I raised the volume to its loudest and it doesnt help much. Do others have this issue? Is there a way to increase it more with a hack?

2) The slow recoginition of my fingers hitting the soft keys for the numbers on the dialing pad make it impossible to quickly dial a phone number. I have to dial it very slow with a second pause between each digit. Any suggestions?

I love this XV6700 as a PDA and wirelsess data device, but as a phone (replacing my E815) it is very difficult to enjoy my calling experience. I am tempted to going back...

Jan 30, 2006, 5:23 PM
I am with you on both issues. The bluetooth volume is poor as well. My phone # response isn't to bad. I use the voice command program and find it works great. I don't dial by hand anymore.

Jan 30, 2006, 10:41 PM
I watch HomestarRunner.com with no problem and it's a completely Flash driven site. This phone works great on most any site.

Feb 6, 2006, 9:44 PM

Are you using MS Voice Command or some other voice software? You are able to initiate a phone call without touching the handset? If yes, you can then talk via a bluetooth headset?

I read you can't initiate a phone call using a bluetooth headset.

How does the voice software work? How often does it dial a wrong number? You really don't dial by hand anymore?

Do you have a bluetooth headset? What kind works best with the software?


Jan 30, 2006, 11:08 PM
I agree with the v710 and e815 being solid phones. I just switched from V710, but I made sure it stayed in the family. Motorola's make the best speakerphones IMHO. I Didn't expect much with the XV6700 speakerphone, and don't imagine that there is a way to hack something like that.

Dialing options:

XV6700 - I am OK with the phone functionality - took some getting used to though, and I will admit some concessions when it comes to dialing with the pad - but as as Vat says, the voice dialing is the way to go. I use the "dial" voice command more than "call".

I have actually found myself using the "function" buttons and 'joystick' to navigate contacts, etc. pretty well. I know that 'one handed' operation is a hot topic in comparing t...

Jan 30, 2006, 11:10 PM
**correction - quote was tony's, not vat's.**

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