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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Ring and Vibrate?


Apr 15, 2006, 3:51 PM
I like the phone but does it have the capability of "Vibe and Ring" at the same time or do they have to be seperate? Its kind of annoying that they cant just make a phone with it its seems.

Thanks in advance.

Apr 15, 2006, 5:00 PM
kane620 said:
I like the phone but does it have the capability of "Vibe and Ring" at the same time or do they have to be seperate? Its kind of annoying that they cant just make a phone with it its seems.

Thanks in advance.

Ring then vibe only. I know, it sucks=/

Apr 15, 2006, 5:01 PM
hypnotizd said:
kane620 said:
I like the phone but does it have the capability of "Vibe and Ring" at the same time or do they have to be seperate? Its kind of annoying that they cant just make a phone with it its seems.

Thanks in advance.

Ring then vibe only. I know, it sucks=/

Ack, I'm an idiot. Vibe THEN ring only.

Jun 14, 2006, 7:52 PM
so does that mean it vibrates in your pocket then starts to ring...if this damnn thing doesnt do both then im pissed my LGvx7000 vibrated and rang at the same time and i LOVED it..wats the deal here

Jun 14, 2006, 10:09 PM
jasontylers said:
so does that mean it vibrates in your pocket then starts to ring

Exactly, it Vibrates then Rings
jasontylers said:
my LGvx7000 vibrated and rang at the same time and i LOVED it..wats the deal here

Not sure, seems logical that it would do both at the same time since almost every other phone does... i'm sure there is a patent issue or something. The v710 did the same thing also.

Jun 17, 2006, 10:16 AM
What's the big deal . don't you have better things to worry about

Jun 19, 2006, 8:27 AM
Not to say that they shouldn't include Ring while vibrating on the phone, but just fyi - I've found Ring then Vibrate incredibly useful, and am a little ticked that other phones don't have it.

I keep my phone on my belt, and when I'm in a meeting or at a movie, I don't have to worry about turning my phone ringer off. If a call comes in, it starts vibrating, then I just hit the volume button on the side to silence it (and not answer it). Not only do I know I got a call, but after the meeting/movie/whatever is over, I don't have that "Oh, sorry, I know we had plans but I forget to unsilence my phone and I didn't hear you calling!" thing to worry about. And if I leave my phone sitting on the table in the other room, it still rings.

I thin...

Jun 26, 2006, 2:59 PM
Thanks for the lecture on cell phone eticate and how much better you are than everyone else because you remember to hit "vibrate" but I think the question was can the phone do both.
yes. it can. You need to hack the seem. I'm rather complicated. Look for seem hacks on teh net and you'll find what you're looking for. You'll need a sxb cable amongst other things....like software. Try here for a start:

http://www.nuclearelephant.com/papers/e815seem.html »

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