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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Does USB Data Cable Charge Phone?


Jan 17, 2006, 8:29 PM
Considering buying a USB cable for the e815 so that I can use it as a charger by hooking it up to my laptop when I'm on the road. Do the USB cables charge this phone or are they data only?


Jan 17, 2006, 10:49 PM
Data only, at least the one I have is that way. It DOES have a port in the side that you can plug a charger into, I never got that working right, now I just use a BT dongle for connections to my computer.

Mar 13, 2006, 11:56 PM
I have a USB charge cable. I bought it about 4 years ago for my V60. You probably can find one on Ebay. If you have the factory data cable, it should have a charge port on the side of the plug on the phone end. I use it when I tether the phone for programming, DUN, etc. It's nice having 2 USB ports on my laptop.

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