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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Wallpaper and Icons


Nov 21, 2005, 11:20 PM
I had a Motorola two years ago. Did the every two and decided on the LG7000. Had to exchange it three times.
On my old Motorola, I loved the loud alert notifying me that I had missed a voice mail. The LG had a 2 min. alert, but could not hear it. Very faint. Had only one option..on or off. And I carry the phone in my purse, so that made it impossible to hear.
Exchanged it for the E815 today. Now I remember one thing I didn't like about the Motorola. What's the purpose of having a wallpaper picture when you have all those icons on top of it. Dumb! And there's no way of deleting the icons. I haven't seen this problem on the forums before. Does it not bother anyone not to see their wallpaper without the icons, or is it just me? I h...

Nov 22, 2005, 7:04 AM
You can hide the icons off of the home screen by going to menu, personalize, home screen, home keys, icons, select hide. the icons will no longer be on the face of your beloved pooch. hope this helps. 🙂

Nov 22, 2005, 11:48 AM
Thank you rocky1831. Now I can see our Maltese better. 😁
Why is the date and time so big. Is there a way to reduce the size or move the date closer to the top of the screeen. On my LV7000, I didn't have any thing, just the picture.
And on the front window, you can't even see her. I've heard bad remarks about the front screen. Time is too big. I'm just grateful you told me how to get rid of the icons. Yes, it did help. 🙂

Nov 22, 2005, 12:23 PM
No. You cannot remove the time, i don believe. The time dont realy bother me as much as the icons did.

Nov 22, 2005, 1:45 PM
Thanks bball. If anyone has anymore suggestions, that would be nice. I had the Motorola 276 for one day, but returned it because it didn't have the caller picture ID which I wanted. To hard for me to see the name of caller. I liked the phone because it was smaller. I didn't just want a photo phone, but wanted the caller ID too. So I ended up paying $50 more for this phone. Just wish it was smaller. Thanks for your reply.

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