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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Deciding between V710 and E815


Nov 1, 2005, 10:59 AM
I posted this on the v710 forum as well.

I need to get a new phone with Verizon. The E815 is $100 while the V710 is $70. However, they throw in a JBT150 bluetooth headset and a 16 MB transflash card with the v710. How much worse is the v710 than the e815. I basically care about reception/overall quality, bluetooth quality, camera, using mp3s as ringers, and size/weight. Also, I like to use vibrate a lot so a good vibrate mode is important too. Thanks for the help.

Nov 1, 2005, 2:15 PM
Well that choice comes down to quite a few deciding factors. First of all, the E815 is an all-digital phone--so if you're in an area or travel to an area that doesn't have digital coverage, you might face some problems. In my opinion, you should take a good look at the coverage maps, to see if you're in an area where coverage isn't an issue (like the east coast). Other than that, the E815 has superb reception--probably the best I've ever seen and dealt with. The 710 is a Tri-Mode phone so it's covered in a larger area, but my E815 seemingly always had more bars than my boss' or my two co-worker's 710s ever did.

Secondly, the E815 has alot more going for itself feature-wise. You'll get a month of V-Cast (which is a cool novelty, espec...

Nov 1, 2005, 6:05 PM
I would add that the keypad on the e815 is just better, to. One of the major complaints on the v710 was it's keypad - hard to use (especially that tiny 4 way button that was completely flat), and the v710's keypad had a tendency to come apart after use (I saw it myself in the verizon store).

Heck, seriously, I went with the e815 just because the keypad is so much better. (The better camera was another consideration.)

Nov 2, 2005, 9:12 PM
Don't forget the V710 has Bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) so if you are on a train or wherever, you can get your other BT devices online with no data charges.

Nov 3, 2005, 4:04 PM
DO NOT GET V710!!! 815 has more memory, MUCH better camera n Video.Also EVDO n VCast. Service is same on both phones.

Nov 20, 2005, 9:15 PM
I'm going to have to agree. I feel like the original v710 still had some limited BT functionality, like DUN. The E815 was Verizon's way of covering themselves by posting multiple "OBEX NOT SUPPORTED!!" messages.

Besides that, the phones are very similar.

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