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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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beep ? Missed call or voicemail?


Sep 30, 2005, 8:30 AM
The E815 has a reminder that beeps. Is that stating that there is a voicemail or is it stating just missed call? My sister is telling me her phone only beeps for a voicemail. I thought it was a missed call reminder.

Nov 27, 2005, 11:38 PM
Analyzer said:
The E815 has a reminder that beeps. Is that stating that there is a voicemail or is it stating just missed call? My sister is telling me her phone only beeps for a voicemail. I thought it was a missed call reminder.

My E815 beeps for both, a missed call and a missed voicemail. I just bought a Bluetooth ear piece today. Nice. It was $60, but bought it on sale at Verizon for $30. It works alot better than the voicemail, plus you can be 30' away from your phone and still talk and no hanging cord. Hope this helps.

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