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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Firmware update for Earpiece ECHO?


Sep 15, 2005, 10:20 AM
I spoke to a verizon tech, and he told me that Motorola is working on a software update that will fix the annoying ECHO in the ear-piece of the E815. Anyone else hear about this?

Sep 16, 2005, 8:19 AM
I had a verizon support person tell me they were sending me a check for the replacement phones I had returned (they credited my account instead), that there was no way to remove my phone number from my phone (after another one had given me instructions on how to do it on a different model), and that my handset was heating up because a cell phone has to be turned off for a certain number of hours each day to "cool down". Oh, and a sales person told me that I didn't need analog any more because with no roaming my phone would always just use digital instead.

So (while I understand you're just asking to see if anyone else has heard this), take everything someone at verizon tells you with a grain of salt...

Nov 11, 2005, 10:38 PM
It is available now.

Nov 13, 2005, 11:10 PM
i had it done and it seems to fix the echo, but now my browser doent work. customer service cant help me, so back to the verizon store(like i dont have better things to do), i will let you know how i make out.

Nov 15, 2005, 12:03 AM
I have made numerous trips to Verizon also. I have a horrible echo issue and it seems to be with the E815 if I am using the bluetooth or speaker phone. My phone has been swapped out 3 ro so times, the bluetooth also. The problem never seems to go away. I love everything else about my E815 and the Moto HS850 bluetooth but no one can stand the echo they get when they are talking to me now. I don't understand why they seem to have never heard of this problem at Verizon and how to just fix it so I can keep this phone and this bluetooth unless switching to something else is the only answer.

Nov 15, 2005, 12:41 PM
Well, the tech who did the upgrade screwed up the phone. No browser and i could not send or receive pics so they gave me another phone. The new phone now has an echo even though it has the new software.....guess another trip to verizon for a third phone!

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