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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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announced caller


Aug 11, 2005, 7:35 PM
Hello, I recently switched to the E815 from the 8100. I am much happier with the overall performance of the E815, however the LG8100 did have one option that I really want. I use a blue tooth car kit, and never take my phone off of my belt. When a call comes in I cannot see the caller ID from my belt. The 8100 had a feature that announced the caller that you could set as a ringer. IE "incoming call from Charlie brown". the E815 does announce all the names in your phone book so my question is....can it be set to announce the caller as a ringer? Is there any software that can be added to provide this feature? Thanks for the help!

Aug 12, 2005, 11:41 PM
go to a contact and edit then scroll down to ringer ID. You can choose the ringer style for each contact.

Aug 13, 2005, 7:43 AM
sammy2 said:
go to a contact and edit then scroll down to ringer ID. You can choose the ringer style for each contact.

Which means that you'll have to create a custom ringtone with the announcement for every contact you want announced, assuming that you actually want to hear the caller's name.

Not an ideal solution. Too bad Motorola doesn't provide hooks into the text-to-speech facility used in the voice-dial function; that could provide the ability to announce any entry in the phone book without having to record something.

Aug 13, 2005, 7:46 AM
That's what I thought, but was hoping I had missed something. Thanks for the help!

Aug 13, 2005, 8:52 AM
I have always wondered why manufacturers do not listen to customers preferences. something like this would not really cost them anything to do during the original software design.

the latest research suggests that the greatest risk during driving with a cell phone comes directly during the time we try to determine who is calling.

All the manufacturer would need to do is review phone scoop forums for feature preferences and they would end up with a great phone (as long as the features actually worked).

Aug 13, 2005, 11:00 PM
Yeah, but then there'd be no incentive to buy a new phone every 2-3 years 😁

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