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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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lg 8100 user please answer before I trade


Jul 26, 2005, 11:54 PM
I've been using the 8100 and it's great - except for the speakerphone, which is why I may trade for the moto e815. On the 8100, I can watch recorded video (TV shows that I put into 3gp format and transfered from my computer)in full screen. Does anyone know how to play recorded video in full screen mode on the E815? I was able to play VCast video in full screen on the e815, but couldn't when playing recorded video. This will help me decide if I will trade my phone. Thanks.

Jul 27, 2005, 9:02 PM
I'd like to help you with this one since I just got the moto myself, but I am still learning. I know there are quirks with this one but not as many as I had with the lg. I hope they fix the lg, I truly do, I would like to try it again, but this moto fits my needs at the moment. I would rather have a free phone with quirks than one I had to pay extra for. I am interested in learning the video thing also, I may never use it, but it would be fun to have for future reference.

Jul 27, 2005, 9:19 PM
I'm also thinking of changing my lg8100 for the 815, but what kind of quirks are there with the 815.

Jul 27, 2005, 9:48 PM
Vibrate is truly light, but I can overcome that, I check my phone enough that I can check the missed calls and get back to the person. I would like to silence the power on/off, but can't, and the keypad noise can't be shut off either, but it can be changed and is low volume. I just prefer quiet. I have had a few instances of fuzzy reception, but they are pretty few right now. I will have all weekend to try that one out. It is still nothing like the problem I had with the lg sound or dropped calls. Everyone and I mean everyone I have called back from this one tells me the clarity is far better than when I called them from the 8100. They are letting me call them again rather than me waiting until I got home to use the land line (dark ages)...

Jul 27, 2005, 10:50 PM
thanks for the reply. Have you had a chance to really test out the voice command features. I'm really curious about how the 815 compares to the 8100. Thanks

Jul 28, 2005, 12:27 PM
Yes, I have tried out the voice command for calls. I personally liked the lg4400 where you had to record your own voice. That was best for me. This 815 is about the same as the lg8100 except for the moto has an english speaking voice that comes back. No it is not fool proof, it still messes up just like the 8100 but at least you can understand what she is saying. How can you expect the phone to recognize your command when you can't understand it? I would say "call home" and it would say "call illinois". On the lg if I said "call Stefi" it would say call Stuufi" or if you said "call Nick" it wouldn't recognize at all. It doesn't understand nick names at all. Both work very well for digit dial though.

Jul 28, 2005, 12:35 PM
good to know, is the voice command soft spoken also? But have you used or found it of any real use any of the other "voice commands", outside of retrieving voicemail? Thanks, Rick

Jul 28, 2005, 6:29 PM
I have only tried it while trying to call a person so far, that is what I meant by the voice recognition. I tried the digit dial also which has not been a problem as much as saying a name, but now I am on day 3 and so far so good. This weekend is the real test as I am on the go and glued to it. After that is when I can give a thorough review. I think you will be happy with it. I have no plans of returning this one right now.

Jul 29, 2005, 7:20 AM
thanks Murf for ur review. I might be trading...just maybe

Jul 28, 2005, 2:40 PM
murfy23 said:
I would like to silence the power on/off, but can't, and the keypad noise can't be shut off either, but it can be changed and is low volume. I just prefer quiet. everyday!

The keypad volume CAN be turned off! It is under Sound Settings, Ring Styles, Loud Detail, then scroll down and set Key Volume 0. Then "Quiet" it is! 😁

Jul 28, 2005, 6:31 PM
How does this affect the ringer when someone calls? I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I have never owned a moto before and there are some differences from other phones. On the lg4400 you went to settings and it had keypad option where you said sound or no sound.

Jul 28, 2005, 8:31 PM
murfy23 said:
How does this affect the ringer when someone calls? I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I have never owned a moto before and there are some differences from other phones. On the lg4400 you went to settings and it had keypad option where you said sound or no sound.

This phone is the same for setting the keypad. It is very customizable from customizing the main screen, to setting up your own shortcuts to assigning ringers to just about anything. You can set the type of sound for most anything in the phone except the reminder beep.

Jul 29, 2005, 7:27 AM
The E815 won by a large margin for my particular needs.

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