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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Motorola e815 Faceplates -- Compatible w/ the 710?


Jul 5, 2005, 9:54 PM
Does anyone know if the faceplates for the 710 will be compatible with the new e815?

Just ordered mine online from Verizon Wireless and didn't look to see what was available in the way of faceplates.

Jul 6, 2005, 12:46 AM
From what I've seen faceplates for the V710 were sketchy at best and seemed to involve literally ripping off your current ones and then like somehow sticking on the new ones. I don't believe it's actually a feature or supported by Motorola like it was with the V60 or V600 for whatever reason.

I personally like being able to change my phone around, though I'm fairly happy with the design of the 815. Though since it is the exact same shell as the 710 besides inside keypad and stuff I don't see why not.

Jul 6, 2005, 7:02 AM
Doesnt changing the faceplate on the v710 void your warrenty through Verizon?

Nov 28, 2005, 9:02 PM
Could someone explain how faceplates are used? Do you have to remove parts from the phone or do they just snap on? I found a site online that offers several different faceplates for the E815. I'm not fond of the looks of the phone and would like to use a faceplate or a lightweight case. I have the Verizon case, but it makes it bigger and heavier. It won't fit in my side pocket in my purse with the case on. Another poster has an elastic type case he ordered online. It fits three other Motorola models as the same for the faceplates. Thanks!

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