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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Help choosing phone


Jun 12, 2005, 9:34 AM
I've been researching and almost ready to buy, but need advice on phone choice.

I'm not as interested in the 'gadgets' (though they are pretty cool) with the exception of business use items... i.e. synching w/ my laptop, reception & voice quality in all areas (travel quite a bit), speakerphone, voice dialing, etc.. as well as overall build quality & durability.

The v710 seems to be good enough... but I've read many threads stating minor cons, it seems worth waiting for the 815. I also like the LG's, i.e. 8100, but all other phones in this line (7000, 8000) don't have minor items like speaker phone.

Bottom line; I'm pretty set on either the 815 or 8100... but would like feedback if I'm choosing correctly or just paying extra f...

Jun 12, 2005, 10:13 AM
I am in the same boat you are. Trying to decide between two phones-- the LG VX 8100 or the Motorola E815. Early reports on two web sites are mixed.

I have had good luck with lg with the two previous phones and currently have the vx440 which is great. I do want a speaker phone and blue tooth and that is why I will up-grade. The E815 has longer battery life and that is a big plus. But I understand the phone is slightly larger. The LG has stereo speakers- is that a big deal?
Looks like June 27th is the release dates.
Good luck and keep posting!!!!!

Jun 14, 2005, 12:39 PM
If you are going by size the E815 is going to be slightly bigger thant the V710 just due to the fact the battery is going to be a little bigger you can almost say this phone comes with an extended battery other than that this will be the same size as the V710. I just want to clear up the size issue.

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