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LG VX-6100


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missed calls and speakerphone


Jan 9, 2005, 1:34 AM
Got the 6100 and it seems like a nice phone. However, what can you do for missed calls(not voice mail) to make it beep so you know you missed a call?
Secondly, Are the speakerphones tiny on the 6100 compared to the 4500, are do you have to live with it, especially if you put the volume up a litte?

Jan 9, 2005, 1:47 PM
After the fix my speakerphone is the only thing that irritates me. It also sounds very tiny. I wish there was a fix for it but I imagine its hardware not software. I have taken it to the VZ store 3 times and each time they say it sounds ok to them, but my daughter has the same phone and hers sounds great. Luckly I do not use it much.

Jan 18, 2005, 12:53 AM
thanks for the response.

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