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LG VX-6100


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lg6100 vs. lg8000


Jan 1, 2005, 9:51 PM
Just purchased an lg6100 an have 11 days to try it out. Does anyone no if the 8000 is coming out real soon for Verizon, an is worth getting that phone over the lg6100? One more question. Why can they not design it so you can use the speaker with the phone closed?

Jan 17, 2005, 8:21 PM
WEll actually the LG vx8000 is scheduled for release on Feb 1st. That phone is estimated to be $250-300 depending on the rebate. If you are into the whole hi tech thing like Streaming cable TV and video capture, then go ahead and buy it.... i personally thing that that stu 🙂 ff is useless, thats why i am staying with my 6100. Oh and by the way.... you CAN use the speakerphone when it is flipped closed. just check out my posting on page one called "you CAN use the speaker w/ phone closed". 🙂

Jan 18, 2005, 12:47 AM
thanks for the info.

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