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hey is there anyway u can make the ringtones louder or the volume of the ringtones louder


Sep 4, 2004, 2:23 AM
hey i have send a couple of ringtones to my phone from vzwpix.com and they arent really loud i mean its ok but not really loud is there a way it can be as loud as a nextel ringer. oh yeah and the ringers i send are voice ringers like the song locked up by akon and why by jadakiss and stuff.mp3 ringtones. is there a way to make it sound louder.

Sep 4, 2004, 2:39 AM
Its bad quality of the songs you have. My ringtone that I got with GIN are crazy loud, the highes is WAY too loud.

Sep 4, 2004, 3:14 AM
mp3's dont sound as loud as midi ring tones. thats just how it is.when you have twelve instruments playing over one speaker it doesnt work out too well. midi are simpler sounds that can be played louder

Sep 5, 2004, 12:46 AM
Also, make sure you are not covering up the ringer speaker on the bottom of the phone with some kind of case/holster or something. That will help a lot.

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