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Motorola V710


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***Official Launch Dates Communicated to Verizon Wireless***


Jul 22, 2004, 12:19 PM
😁 Finally, an answer! The following is an excerpt from an e-mail I received from our Motorola rep for the main VZW sales office:

We passed phase 4 testing (friendly user trial) and received the approval to launch the V710, three days ago. The phone is being shipped to your DC's as we speak.

As far as a launch date goes, if you figure a week to ship to the DC's and have the get everything in order, then another week to seed the stores, receive their launch kits and so on, I would predict that the phone will launch between Tuesday Aug. 3, and Tuesday Aug. 10th. Please feel free to tell everyone!

*** And there you have it, straight from the source! I, for one, am looking forward to the opportunity to sell this piece of equipmen...

Jul 22, 2004, 12:25 PM
Whats cool about the phone is the ability to capture up to 3 minutes of video. I know that some web sites were stating 15 seconds, however I verified with 3 Reps at Motorola that it can store up to 3 minutes depending how much memory is left. The two other phones Verizon carries only can capture up to 15 sec at a time. Also the Memory can be expanded from the Factory 5 mb. Blue Tooth range is approx 30 Feet.

Jul 22, 2004, 12:38 PM
First off, Awesome news VzwSlsRp...thanks for filling us in on this. Although it was figured to release around then (considering it started shipping 3 days ago) its nice to have reassurance FROM the source.

a question for wildislander2, when you say it can capture up to 3 minutes of video, do you mean it can record a single 3 minute clip, or 2 1.5 minute clips (etc..) ??

Also, is this phone capable of 3 minutes as is, right out of the box? or is that including a memory chip that you have to buy seperatly??

Thanks for the info guys!


Jul 22, 2004, 12:55 PM
According to Motorola you can record up to 3 minutes per clip. Now if you almost exceeded your memory cap for the card, then you may not get a full 3 minutes of video storage.. This is the factory settings of the phone.

Jul 22, 2004, 1:00 PM
From what the Moto rep told me is that out of the box you can record 15 secs of video, after you add a trans flash card you can record as many 3 minute video clips as you have space left on your card. Cards will initially be launched in 64Mb and 128Mb sizes (not sure as to a 32Mb) and will be priced about 125% of an equal size SD card. I believe that the trans to SD adapter card is expected to be around 40 bucks. Hope that helps someone 🙂

Jul 22, 2004, 1:09 PM
That makes more since that you have to add the card to expand the Video Time, from a business side it makes since to start out at 15 sec, that way it can get someone excited about expand the time and purchase the card and the end more money for motorola. Can VZWsalesrep find out if the cards will be available at the launch date?

Jul 22, 2004, 1:21 PM
The Rep told me that the cards should be available around the time of launch Aug 1 but most store will special order them ONLY. May vary from store to store but most stores will not stock them. The memory is actually made my Sandisk (not Moto) and they are making a big push to see the implementation of the media in many other phones from many other manufactures. You should be able to get them from www.sandisk.com as well. As it is really not a Moto product I would imagine, and it's really just a guess, the information, may come at slightly staggered times.

Jul 22, 2004, 1:25 PM
What do you know about the operating foramt? I have been using a Palm powered device and really like it. This phone sounds good but can it use 3rd party applications the way the Palm can?

Jul 22, 2004, 1:28 PM
Everything that I have seen makes no reference to any 3rd party apps being able to run. It is NOT a smart phone, so unless it is a software update from Moto or a GIN (get it now) download I would say no.

Jul 22, 2004, 2:11 PM
wildislander2 said:
That makes more since that you have to add the card to expand the Video Time, from a business side it makes since to start out at 15 sec, that way it can get someone excited about expand the time and purchase the card and the end more money for motorola. Can VZWsalesrep find out if the cards will be available at the launch date?

According to my information, the V710s will ship with the 56 mb card included (tentative). However, within a month or so after launch thr 128 mb cards will be available to purchase through VZW Direct channels (Telesales, retal stores) and through Motorola directly.

Jul 22, 2004, 6:09 PM
Very unlikely. no memory has ever been released with an odd number like that. only 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512mb and 1gb. It is very unlikely that they would try to mix and match the quantities. The sizes are basically dictated my the on-board memory controller, that handles address and lining the bits up to be transfered over the serial bus. Its amazing what has to fit in there along with the memory it's self. I hope your right, but unlikely

Jul 25, 2004, 9:50 AM
elec_engineer said:
Very unlikely. no memory has ever been released with an odd number like that. only 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512mb and 1gb. It is very unlikely that they would try to mix and match the quantities. The sizes are basically dictated my the on-board memory controller, that handles address and lining the bits up to be transfered over the serial bus. Its amazing what has to fit in there along with the memory it's self. I hope your right, but unlikely

🤭 You're probably right - I was just going off of memory; they didn't distribute any kind of "official specs" sheet. If the incriments are as you stated above, then I would have to conclude that the 64 mb card is what will be included. I kno...

Jul 25, 2004, 10:35 AM
Think BINARY...


You are correct on the 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 principle.

The only reason that it would say something like "56" would be because the other "8" is being used by the system (control bits, checksum, encryption, etc.) and is unavailable to the user.

Jul 22, 2004, 4:12 PM
Wait, you can't be able to record video of over 15 seconds because then you cannot send it over the Verizon Wireless network, to other video-capable phones. Verizon doesnt want you transfering the video with the t-flash card, they want to CHARGE you.

Jul 22, 2004, 1:49 PM
I am not sure all the reps at Motorola have the right information, I did a little survey to find out, I called 5 different times and I got 3 different answers. Some reps stated that they were trained my motorola a week ago and the new info said you couldnt record video only playback. Some reps said the max memory for Video according to the new products group is 10 mb. and it couldnt be expanded. Another rep said that it was 5 mb for memory for everything and it could be expand. So I guess until its released in the next week a so we will have the right info, unless someone who actually works for Motorola and was on their test team would like to step up and give up the true Specs!!

Jul 22, 2004, 2:07 PM
The demo phone that I played with with a memory card installed allowed me to record well over 15secs, I did not time it for the full duration, but I know it was 30-45secs... The Moto rep that I have been dealing with is the lead rep for the South East region, covers about 4-5 states. So not sure to what the real answer is but I have come to trust him. I guess we will soon find out 🙂

Jul 22, 2004, 8:39 PM
VzwDennis- If the demo phone was able to record video, then that proves its able to record no matter what some of the reps at motorola said. Either way I am glad that Motorola is finally releasing the product.

Jul 25, 2004, 2:59 PM
VZWDennis what state do you work out of my moto rep covers the south too sounds like the same person let me know. is he blond haired and skinny?

Jul 22, 2004, 2:16 PM
From motorola's site
Compy Paste Sucks but the first # is with the 64 card and the second # is with the 128 card

MP3 file
(CD quality, 4MB ea.)

1.2MP images (710)

VGA Images (85K ea.)

8 second video segments

Jul 22, 2004, 2:26 PM
So with a little math, you can figure about 10Mb per minute of video. It would make sense that you would not be able to record more the 15 secs on the built in memory because it will fill up extremely quickly. But even with a 128Mb card you could fill up a card with about 5 of the 3 mins video clips. Then again, how many cell phones do you know of that can record 15 mins of video 🙂

Jul 25, 2004, 2:55 PM
the v710 will be able to record three min of vid with the trans flash card right out of the box it will not be able to do this. i found t his out earlier last week when our moto rep came to the store with his v710 on his waiste. he also said that it should be about a week and a half to two weeks from when i spoke to him. good news huh? 😁

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