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Motorola V710


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What are some Bluetooth enabled devices that supports file or object transfers?


Oct 5, 2005, 5:41 PM
Guys other than a computer or PDC what other devices supports either object exchange or file transfer features? My car that is bluetooth wouldn't be considered an object exchange would it? I'm thinking not, but what other stuff is there?

Oct 5, 2005, 6:33 PM
JohnP007 said:
Guys other than a computer or PDC what other devices supports either object exchange or file transfer features? My car that is bluetooth wouldn't be considered an object exchange would it? I'm thinking not, but what other stuff is there?

Another Cell Phone (xfer ringtones/business cards, picutes etc.)
Some cars require OBEX/OPP for the xfer of phonebooks

Can't really think of anything else atm.

Oct 5, 2005, 6:52 PM
Sorry I ment PDA 🤭 So I have a 05 E60 BMW would that count as far as the refund? I also have a bluetooth PDA for work I guess i could use that for the refund too.

Oct 5, 2005, 9:17 PM
JohnP007 said:
Sorry I ment PDA 🤭 So I have a 05 E60 BMW would that count as far as the refund? I also have a bluetooth PDA for work I guess i could use that for the refund too.

The refund only counts toward certain Verizon sold accessories.

Not a Bimmer or a third party PDA!

Oct 6, 2005, 9:36 AM
No I don't want a refund towards the PDA or Bimmer, the phone refund says that in order to get a refund for the phone you need to have gotten the V710 to use for a bluetooth enabled device that supports file or object transfers. I have the Wireless headset and the wireless speaker (that I got free from Motorola) but I was just asking what Verizon is going to say is a "device to support file and/or transfers via bluetooth"

Oct 6, 2005, 10:35 PM
JohnP007 said:
No I don't want a refund towards the PDA or Bimmer, the phone refund says that in order to get a refund for the phone you need to have gotten the V710 to use for a bluetooth enabled device that supports file or object transfers. I have the Wireless headset and the wireless speaker (that I got free from Motorola) but I was just asking what Verizon is going to say is a "device to support file and/or transfers via bluetooth"

Then the PDA or Bimmer would qualify under the terms of the agreement.

Oct 6, 2005, 10:43 PM
JohnP007 said:
No I don't want a refund towards the PDA or Bimmer, the phone refund says that in order to get a refund for the phone you need to have gotten the V710 to use for a bluetooth enabled device that supports file or object transfers.

It also says if you were planning on getting one, doesn't say you HAVE to own one;)

Oct 8, 2005, 8:56 PM
I certainly consider our car with bluetooth such a device since the only way phone numbers can be added into it is through bluetooth object transfer.

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