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Claim Form Posted for V710


Sep 21, 2005, 4:03 PM

Sep 21, 2005, 6:29 PM
I have been wondering for some time, now, but I still have not received anything in the mail about this. Verizon has my current address. I purchased my phone with in the first couple months of its release. Am I still able to do this? I thought so, but the first line on the claim form mentions being the person to which the letter was addressed.

Sep 24, 2005, 7:43 PM
WOW I actually just read this carefully, see what i found... read it first

Sep 24, 2005, 7:44 PM
OPTION 3 is what I saw...read the way it is worded.."refund up to the purchase price of a new cellular phone"...That means if we paid $519 for the phone and picked up the e815 at $99, we lost the 400 extra....

we wont get it back....its a win win for verizon.....goddamn, they win again....

Sep 24, 2005, 8:42 PM
macaddict315 said:
OPTION 3 is what I saw...read the way it is worded.."refund up to the purchase price of a new cellular phone"...That means if we paid $519 for the phone and picked up the e815 at $99, we lost the 400 extra....

They want to get rid of you. Take the $519 and then sign back up the next day as a new customer.
http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=714243& ... »

Sep 24, 2005, 11:24 PM
What would happen if you purchased a more expensive phone such as one of the smartphones, which would use up all of the purchase price on the 710? Then return it in a couple of days and exchange it for the E815?

Sep 25, 2005, 3:08 AM
i was reading option 2 on the claims form and it states: I want to cancel my Verizon Wireless service contract without an early termination fee and return my Motorola V710
cellular telephone, with our without accessories, for a refund up to the purchase price;

For the part that states for a "refund up to the purchase price" does that mean the price we purchased it for or for the price it was going for before they discontinued it because i purchased it from verizon for 249.99 w/ the $70 rebate on Aug.11, 2004

Sep 25, 2005, 11:49 AM
After reading a lot of the posts here, the actual settlement document and now the claim form, I am a bit uncomfortable with the wording of the claim form. While I know a claim form cannot go into the same detail as the settlement agreement, I think the wording is way to vague and open to interpretation. From what I am reading in the settlement agreement, it appears that the intent is for the customer to get back the amount he purchased the phone for, either in a credit or an actual refund. I agree with you that option two needs to be clarified. I would like to think that it is worded the way it is because of the option to get $200 without a receipt or the amount you paid if you have your receipt.
I also am very uncomfortable with option 3....

Sep 25, 2005, 2:54 PM
M3PO said:
I also am very uncomfortable with option 3. Ideally option 3 would give you a credit which could be used to get another phone, with any amount left over being applied to your future bills until it is used up. The way the claim form is worded it could be interpreted as only giving you a credit up to the amount of the price of the new phone, with anything over that amount being lost.

"Refund Credit - means a Credit that may be used toward the purchase of a Verizon Wireless telephone and accessories on the same terms and conditions available to new Verizon Wireless customers in the amount of i.) The actual amount paid by a Customer for a Motorola V710 telephone and accessories on presentation of pr...

Sep 25, 2005, 3:06 PM
So the correct and unfortunate interpretation is that you get to swap phones. Assuming you have the receipt, the only way you can get your full purchase price on the 710 back is if you leave Verizon or buy a phone from them that is expensive enough to use the full credit? Even at that, Verizon stands to make a sale on a high end phone, just so that the consumer does not lose a large percentage of what we paid for the V710. Verizon either wants to lose their customers or has not thought this through completely. Or, knowing the past track record with Verizon has thought it through and is again pulling a fast one.

Sep 25, 2005, 5:24 PM
M3PO said:
So the correct and unfortunate interpretation is that you get to swap phones. Assuming you have the receipt, the only way you can get your full purchase price on the 710 back is if you leave Verizon or buy a phone from them that is expensive enough to use the full credit?

It appears that you get a new top-line phone and accessories up to the amount you paid for the V710, if you want to stay with Verizon.

They are really giving consumers a bad message by apparently offering more $ to leave (in many instances) than to stay. Read these links while they are still up:

http://www.howardforums.com/showpost.php?p=5886934&p ... »

Sep 25, 2005, 5:35 PM
wnrussell said:
M3PO said:
So the correct and unfortunate interpretation is that you get to swap phones. Assuming you have the receipt, the only way you can get your full purchase price on the 710 back is if you leave Verizon or buy a phone from them that is expensive enough to use the full credit?

It appears that you get a new top-line phone and accessories up to the amount you paid for the V710, if you want to stay with Verizon.

They are really giving consumers a bad message by apparently offering more $ to leave (in many instances) than to stay. Read these links while they are still up:

http://www.howardforums.com/showpost.php?p=5886934&p ... »

Sorry for the...

Sep 25, 2005, 7:00 PM

I'm not telling you to do anything, but the way the documents appear to read right now, Verizon will give [you] $450 + accessories + $175 ETF if you leave and return the phone.

If you like Verizon AND your V710, you'll be rewarded with $25.

So it becomes a personal decision on how much you want to either get back or give up to stay with Verizon.

There is nothing I've read that mentions blacklisting a customer from returning after they leave. You probably know the rules about porting numbers better than I do.

Sep 25, 2005, 10:39 PM
If the dollar amount is high enough to justify the trouble, and you still want to stay with Verizon, how about some sort of shuffle with a second account. Set up a second account, enable the 710 on this account and then cancel the account and get the full value of the V710??? I have not thought through the cost, if any, but this might be a way to keep your current number, stay with Verizon, and still be able to select option 2 for a full refund? As far as I can tell from the settlement agreement, it does not say anything about the V710 staying on the same account as when it was purchased. I am sure there is a fault with this idea, but it might be worth considering.

Sep 26, 2005, 10:19 AM
If you're using your phone for business or have your spouses phone under the same account then taking option 2 just to get a new phone is not an option. It would be great to be able to return the phone and get a new phone and have the difference made up in accessories like a BT headset or something but I doubt that will be the case. I'm a Verizon Encore customer and I'm hoping that does not screw things up for me. I've called VZW in the past and they had to transfer me over to another department just because my VZW bill is on my house phone bill.

Sep 25, 2005, 10:21 PM
Did we have to sign up somewhere to get on this lawsuit, or can we just fill out that form? I bought this phone the first week it came out and back then I didn't think we'd ever get a successful lawsuit going. Did I miss the boat????

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