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Motorola V710


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After settlement: what phone to get?


Sep 16, 2005, 2:36 PM
Once they settle, I will probably opt to return my phone but stay with Verizon.

What's the best V710 alternative at Verizon if you're into:

1. Reception
2. Sound Quality
3. Good Voice Recognition
4. Games
5. Bluetooth
6. Camera
7. Speakerphone
8. MP3 ringtones (and ideally, player)

I guess I love the phone except for the bluetooth issue, the limited memory options for MP3 use, and the fact that my screen is showing deep scratches where it rubs against each button cap.


Sep 16, 2005, 8:46 PM
I think I'm going to stick with the same family and get the e815. Basically the same phone and with a seem edit can get the OBEX. Just no analog mode. I can live with that.

Sep 17, 2005, 1:28 AM
Depending on the deadline for redemption I was hoping to hold out for the TREO 670 or maybe even the Razor. If what the VZ rep told me today is true supossedly there is a new Samsung slim pda coming out that will blow both out of the water!

Sep 18, 2005, 11:30 PM
Speaking of deadline, Any word on when this will be available? and maybe when the deadline will be? Those intererested in the 815, what kinda money are we talking in investing back into verizon? I cant wait for the option to switch, but i feel the 710 i still superior in size, quality, and features...

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