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Motorola V710


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Mobile Phone Tools Multimedia Studio !!!!


Sep 10, 2005, 1:38 AM
Hi..I got a cell from Verizon wireless..Its a Motorola V710...Here is my problem..Since verizon is chargeing for ringtones,I came to about a software where I can create my ringotne and then send it to my cellphone as ringtone.For some reason,when I begin my download to my cell,I can NEVER opn my MP3 ringtone.I then contact Verizon and this is what they said to in my email "Verizon Wireless has requested that Motorola not include Mobile Phone Tools
Multimedia Studio functionality in the V710."I think this is gay because they are obviously trying to make money by offering ringtones thru there site instead of having their customer download Mp3 to thier cell due to piracy..Can someone tell me how I can send my custom ringtone to my cellphone si...

Sep 10, 2005, 8:47 AM
Ringtones can be sent to your phone by email or transfered to the phone by the transflash card.

For a "Simple" way to do it by email, make sure your ringtones are small in size less the 100k, short (about 30 seconds), the name should be short (under 10 characters) then change the extension from MP3 to mid. Check with Verizon and make sure that text and picture messaging is turned on for your phone in your account (it may not!)

Using your email account (AOL has been reported to sometimes have problems, so maybe use YAHOO account), attach the files and send them to your phone at your-number@vzwpix.com. Open the file in the phone, move to the attachment, when it plays the song, while playing hit the menu button. It will gave you the opti...

Sep 13, 2005, 11:44 AM
It didnt work..I got the music to play but it wont let me "save" as a ringtone.I can only store it in a category but not as a ringtone.It obvious that they are trying to block me from using any mp3 as a ringtone ☹️

Sep 13, 2005, 10:48 PM
djseby2000 said:
It didnt work..I got the music to play but it wont let me "save" as a ringtone.I can only store it in a category but not as a ringtone.It obvious that they are trying to block me from using any mp3 as a ringtone ☹️

When you downloaded the MP3s did you change the extension to mid? How long were they? How long was the file name? Did you add something to the subject line or body?(sometimes this helps!) Did you hit the key while they were playing or after?

Try all of this, something may work!

Sep 18, 2005, 4:01 PM
🙂 Thanks mate..it worked.I got my mp3 as my ringtones..Now,I wish I had a way to changed my "ringbacktones" to my fav mp3 instead of the ones I got from Verizon "get it now" service!

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