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Motorola V710


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any time now would be great


Sep 9, 2005, 8:16 AM
Anybody hear anything about when this settlement is going to go down? That link that came in the e-mail is still blank. I wonder how many V710 owners are going for the Moto E815.

Sep 9, 2005, 8:25 AM
I totally agree. I cant wait to hear something! I'm going to try to wait for the RAZR though. My V710 drops calls all the time even when i'm sitting in an area that gives me full bars. Anyone else have this problem?

Sep 9, 2005, 8:59 AM
FFK_Pennywise said:
My V710 drops calls all the time even when i'm sitting in an area that gives me full bars. Anyone else have this problem?

Not here! 😁

Actually the reception is pretty good, better than most phones. Maybe you should take it in have have the firmware updated to the latest. I think it fixed some of the problems with the earlier version. 😉

Sep 9, 2005, 9:52 AM
I'm switching phones in the next few months hopefully so I'm not gonna mess with it. Cingulars new ROKR phone really has my attention but I cant afford to switch carriers since everyone I talk to is with Verizon. I'd end up paying out the butt for overage charges. Verizon has always been good to me and the service is stellar in St Louis. They just need to get some cooler phones!

Sep 9, 2005, 10:36 AM
Agreed. Waiting till the first Q of 2006 for the razor that has been out with other companys for almost a year is a joke. Verizons coverage is very hard to leave especially when you talk to someone on Cingular and they sound like crap. Verizon would regain their #1 position if they just added a handful of cool phones.

Sep 9, 2005, 2:11 PM
Su2lly said:
Anybody hear anything about when this settlement is going to go down? That link that came in the e-mail is still blank. I wonder how many V710 owners are going for the Moto E815.

Personally, I like my v710. I was at VZW just a few days ago asking when my contract with them was up (Sep 27) and they had no clue about this settlement. While I was there I got a chance to play with the e815 and I like the upgrade. I think I will get my money refunded for my v710 ($450), sign a new 2 year contract and use my new every 2 and purchase the e815 for cheap. I haven't had any useage problems with VZW thus far, just a bad deal with the bluetooth.

Apparenly the OBEX can be enabled in the e815 so it jus...

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