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Motorola V710


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External antenna for V710


Sep 3, 2005, 10:38 AM
On the back of the phone there is a socket to connect an external antenna, (you have to remove the circular plastic). Does anyone know?
1-If using this external antennas actually improves reception.
2-The best place to get one.
3-Why Motorola doesn't make them.
When I asked people at Verizon stores nobody seems to know anything about this and I had the same experience with other phones when I had AT&t or Cingular.

Sep 8, 2005, 8:29 AM
I've used a yagi antenna on my V710 for about a year now, and it really helps reception as I'm in a fringe area of coverage. I bought the antenna and an adapter and cable from http://www.cellantenna.com - they seem pretty responsive to questions - pre and post sale.

Good luck!

Sep 12, 2005, 1:56 PM
1) Yes, In my case it usually doubles the reception in low signal areas.

2) I use this one and this was the best price I could find. http://www.palcoelectronics.com/p1004846.htm You need an adapter for it, this one: Wilson 359909 http://www.wpsantennas.com/index.asp?PageActi on=VIEWPROD&ProdID=122 , again if Palco has it, it was the best price I could find.

3) I do not know.

I have used this antenna with an Audiovox 8600, Motorola v505 and a v710, and it works well.

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