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Motorola V710


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Transflash Shoud I?


Aug 25, 2005, 8:15 PM
With a stock V710 phone from Verizon, if I purchase a transflash card, can I load MP3s, ringtones, etc. from my PC to the transflash card then use them direct in my phone? I purchased Motorola Phone Tools and a USB cable and finally got them working but I do not see anywhere in MPT to transfer files. I don't want to buy a memory card for my phone if I can't transfer files without having to hack my phone.

Aug 28, 2005, 10:32 AM
The only problem is that the phone is limited to 10MB of storage, and ringers can only be stored on the phone, unless you hack it.

It really is best to trim the mp3's first - take about 30-45 seconds of the whole song for the ringer, that way you can at least have a few of them on the phone.

Then, with the memory card, you can use it to store all your pictures and videos you record, that way you don't need the memory built in to the phone.

Prices on TransFlash are low anyway, at least compared to when they first came out.

Sep 3, 2005, 1:13 AM
25$ for a 128 meg. is worth the little bit of fun it provides.

You can get the ring tones from the card to your phone using the little trick posted previously by sending to a fake # (EX. 555555@verizon.com) and saving the rejected mp3 file to your phones memory. It HAS to be under 30 seconds!!

You can make indefinitely long video clips with it (not without).

You can put pictures on your computer taken with phone but not vise-versa (that's the biggest thing that bugs me I even tried edit the picture from the phone by cutting and pasting a different image-no go. If anyone figures out how let us all know. Does the data cable allow you to put pictures on you phone from your computer?)

You can load songs from your computer to card ...

Sep 3, 2005, 1:15 AM
25$ for a 128 meg. is worth the little bit of fun it provides.

You can get the ring tones from the card to your phone using the little trick posted previously by sending to a fake # (EX. 555555@verizon.com) and saving the rejected mp3 file to your phones memory. It HAS to be under 30 seconds!!

You can make indefinitely long video clips with it (not without).

You can put pictures on your computer taken with phone but not vise-versa (that's the biggest thing that bugs me I even tried edit the picture from the phone by cutting and pasting a different image-no go. If anyone figures out how let us all know. Does the data cable allow you to put pictures on you phone from your computer?)

You can load songs from your computer to card ...

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