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Attaching JPG to Contact


Jul 20, 2004, 10:40 PM
What are the steps to download a jpg image from vzwpix.com to my A670 and then attach it to a contact.



Jul 21, 2004, 7:45 AM
to attatch a picture to a contact all you have to do is go to the contact ... edit it and then scroll all the way down. when you have it highlited hit options -- my gallery. then you select your picture and it will display when that person calls.

Jul 21, 2004, 10:37 AM
Thanks so much for your prompt response. Just a little more help would be appreciated:

I downloaded a jpg image using picture messaging from vzwpix.com. That is, I sent myself a picture message that contained the jpg image. As a bumbling newbie I moved the message /image to the "Saved Box". How can I get the image into the "Gallery"?

Also, if I were to do this again using vzwpix.com, how can I get the image correctly into the "Gallery" directly after receipt?

Thanks again,

Jul 21, 2004, 10:38 AM
Thanks so much for your prompt response. Just a little more help would be appreciated:

I downloaded a jpg image using picture messaging from vzwpix.com. That is, I sent myself a picture message that contained the jpg image. As a bumbling newbie I moved the message /image to the "Saved Box". How can I get the image into the "Gallery"?

Also, if I were to do this again using vzwpix.com, how can I get the image correctly into the "Gallery" directly after receipt?

Thanks again,

Jul 21, 2004, 1:22 PM
I am not sure the exact steps because I havent done it but it should go something like this:

-- go to the saved box
-- open the picture file there
-- hit options
-- and hopefully there is something there that says "save" or something like that. (like i said im not positive)

Jul 21, 2004, 1:49 PM
Thanks for the help, but it looks like I've got to start the process over. What is the best way to get a jpg image into the Gallery assuming the picture is NOT taken by the camera?


Jul 21, 2004, 2:17 PM
The best way to do this is to create a message in vzwpix.com. Upload the picture from the computer to the message. Once it shows the jpg has been successfully uploaded, email it to your phone number. You'll get a message. View the picture from inside the message. Using the left soft key, hit options. Save the picture (it'll ask you to name it too).

Then...go to the contact you want to attach the pix to. Scroll down to the pix line & use your left soft key to edit. Then scroll to My gallery. From there, choose the pix you just emailed yourself...

BTW...once the pix has been saved from the original message, you can delete the emailed message with the attached pix. It'll save memory space without deleting the saved picture...


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