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Samsung SCH-A670


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Samsung A670 or LG 7000???


Jul 15, 2004, 1:45 PM
Deciding between the two phones, can anyone offer any suggestions. After rebates and new every two, A670 would be free and the LG 7000 would be $80. Any info would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Jul 15, 2004, 2:45 PM
I have the A670, and I think it is excellent. It's well-built, and reception is great. It looks like the main difference is the USB port, the 7000 has it, the A670 doesn't. If syncing address books and downloading/uploading to a PC is important to you, maybe the 7000 is the choice. I'm not an expert, but I really like the A670.

Jul 16, 2004, 8:04 AM
If you dont mind the size difference or shelling out a few extra bucks I would say go for the 7000. I personally have a 670 because I wanted a smaller phone than the 7000. But from what I have read the 7000 is a better phone. It has USB capabilities it has a 262k color screen, possibly gets better reception (from what i have read) (from my experience the 670 doesnt have great reception in poorly covered areas) Dont get me wrong I am loving my 670 I think its one of the best-looking phones out there ... but if you are not one who cares so much about the size/look of a cell phone I would look to the 7000.

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