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Samsung SCH-A670


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How hot does this phone get?


Jul 12, 2004, 6:43 PM
Alright - today was my first true test of my new A670 in a work environment - I've had it a week and had generally great thoughts about it. I was on a call today for about 35 minutes and when I hung up - I noticed that the phone was really warm - this coming through the case I have it wrapped in!

Is this normal? I know these are small computers and so they are bound to heat up, but I was wondering if I could ask my friends on this site if they have the same experience of if I need a trip to Verizon for a return prior to my 15 days.

I have heard jokes about the Samsungs getting hot like an iron, but 👿 man....
texas T

Jul 13, 2004, 6:00 AM
During an extended conversation my a670 gets a little warm too. But so did my previous phone a Nokia 8260. I think it just SEEMS hotter on the Samsung because the phone case is metal - rather than plastic. - Just a humble opinion.

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