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BUG.....Linking a pic to a phone number


Jul 7, 2004, 2:00 AM
I assign a pic to a phone number and then later go into gallery and lock that picture, then if I erase "other" pictures individually the pic and the link between the phone number and the pic remains, however if I do an erase all (even though the pic that is linked is locked)my pic remains but the link with the pic to phone number is gone. Is there an upgrade to correct this as having to erase pics one by one is nuts, it seems that is why the "erase all" command was created, but it should not erase links, especially with phone numbers and pics that are still in the phone memory.


Jul 7, 2004, 12:51 PM

Just got off the phone with Samsung Tech Support and they have confirmed that using "erase all" will erase only the pictures that are not "locked" but unfortunately will erase ALL "links" that you have created between a pic and phone number regardless even if the pic is locked.

This means if you have pictures associated with phone numbers, you can only erase pics in your gallery one-by-one.

Tech support also verified that this problem did not appear on the a610, so he thought that Samsung will address this "bug" or lapse in programming at some point in the future.

The problem is that you will have to go back to a service center to have the phone deprogrammed and then reprogrammed to correct this problem. 😢 😢


Jul 7, 2004, 11:18 PM
I am having problems assigning categories and ringtones to my contacts. I keep getting this message: "ATTN: Phone number must be no less than 10 digets." Any thoughts on this???

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