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HELP: 2 More Questions:


Jan 31, 2010, 3:03 PM
I knew it wouldn't take me long to come up with two other issues:

1. When I send a long text, the system automatically breaks it up and send it as several texts to the recipient. I have been told that they are coming in reverse order. Does anyone know why and what I can do about it?

2. I set it up to get a report when the text is delivered. I assume it is supposed to tell me when the text is opened. However, I just got a reply to one of my texts, but when I looked at the report, it just said "pending." Am I in error as to what the report is supposed to report?

Thanks again.

Feb 1, 2010, 1:36 AM
1) When a message is broken up, it's pretty hard to predict the order in which messages are going to be received. Tiny differences can have a huge impact on the end result, and the sending program may make assumptions about the capabilities of the receiving end to figure out the correct order. I'm leaning towards recommending the Handcent SMS client, but I don't have direct experience with it.

2) There is no way for the sending device to know if the message has been read (unlike email, though even there, if the recipient chooses not to send the acknowledgment (I rarely do), you may not know.). The report is more of a delivery report, however, proper operation of the report requires that the recipients' carrier understand the request to...

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