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Motorola Droid


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refusal of fault


Jan 19, 2010, 5:32 PM
im finding as i point out the droids flaws, that everyone on this site only seems to lash out at the person pointing them out (me) i dont know if this is buyer resentment or what. ive decieded to go to verizon this week and see if the store will replace my phone if i complain about it's many faults, also another problem i found with the phone is

.46 there is no way to attach a sound to a picture message

.47 you cant even add a a pic to another pic.

everyone keeps defending this pos because nobody wants to acknowledge their purchase was a mistake (besides me of course) this a poor defense mechanism to have as acapatilistic consumers, and you few techno-lustee's. all i can do is laugh at the droid commercials that speaks a list of th...

Jan 21, 2010, 4:25 PM
The point is that your "problems" are all issues that come up because of YOUR refusal to learn a new operating system. You expect it to act exactly the same as your BREW phone (a platform several years old and has next to no customization)

Get Handcent for text messages. It will resize your pictures for you, and makes MMS on the Droid painless.

Jan 21, 2010, 6:09 PM
it is understandable that there might be some issues with this phone, but let me in on a little info... i work in the industry and the vx10k you are comparing this phone to is junk i have had more problems with that phone then any in my inventory (next to other LG phones cough chocolate 1,2) let me count the ways crappy charger port, it fell out all the time and had to be replaced. the screen would go black or mal-preform i.e. stop working peroid. the paint job CAME OFF!! the chrome peeled and the painted rubbed off like a mid 80's ford. also here is what the droid DOES do, how bout put emulators on your phone to play console games like Nintendo, sega, etc. also can customize up the waazoo on this thing. also oh you want tv get tv.com tha...

Jan 23, 2010, 5:32 PM
It's also because quite a large number of your so-called issues are flat lies. We defend our phones because they don't do what yours does. You also refuse to listen when we offer advice or suggestions. Finally, the number of problems you are having seems to jump randomly. For example, in this post, you are on problem #47, your next one, just "10 minutes" later is problem #51. A little while later, and you're at #54.

Good luck with your replacement now that it has been so long. More than one of us over the past months has suggested that you pursue this course.

Jan 25, 2010, 2:03 AM
So guess what I discovered while playing around with the default messaging app?

Turns out, you CAN add sounds to pictures. You CAN add pictures to pictures.

You just have to do it right.

Turns out that Android's default SMS client actually does it according to the specs. I can't speak for the Handcent client, because I don't have it.

What you have to do is tell the messaging client that you attaching a "slideshow" instead of a picture. In other words, you have to use your brain for two seconds, and decide in advance that you want to attach more than one picture, or a picture plus audio.

Now, as it happens, I figured this out because I remembered that on my Dare, it defaults to "slideshow" even when only attaching a single...

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