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Motorola Droid


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Droid Price


Dec 17, 2009, 6:34 PM
Why would i buy the phone from Verizon at $199 when I can buy at Dell for $119.99?

I have a new every two and it will only save me $20 off the dell price and going forward the new every 2 is $50 so I will be paying more buying from VZ, why?

Since there are no strings attached to the Dell offer other than a 2 year renewal how much do these guys really pay for the phones?

Just upset

Dec 20, 2009, 11:38 PM
I just read this on another forum - figured I would pass it on.

1. You can't get $50 credit because it is only from Verizon. Dell rep couldn't give it to me. so, now the phone will cost me $120.

2. So, no only $30 bux difference (150-120) is still not bad. BUTTTTT... i was wrong again.

3. The plan that DELL was offering was minimum $59.99 (900 mins + unlimited text) + 29.99 data plan. Upon asking why, they told me that they don't have 39.99 (450 mins) plan. Their answer was only verizon sells that plan to new and old customer. Dell is only allow to sell that plan to *NEW* customers. For exsiting suckers Dell is only allow to sell minimum 59.99 plan.

4. So, this (59.99 vs 39.99) pretty much wipes off my $30 difference. But, on top...

Dec 21, 2009, 10:52 AM
As badly as I want this phone I'm going to hold off till my new every two comes in Feb. I hope the price is even better then so I can tack on my $100 discount they'll give me.

I can't wait to get a Droid of my own in my own grubby little hands; I'm getting tired of going to the VZ store to play with the dang thing. 😁

Dec 23, 2009, 12:46 PM
My new every 2 is next month (but I keep getting emails I can do it now), but mine is only for $50. If they dropped the price right after Christmas would be awesome.

Dec 26, 2009, 1:11 PM
The only way you get the $50 credit is if you go to a Premium Authorized agent or a Corp. store. and another thing, "DUDE WHY YOU GETING A DELL?" lol had to say that are we talking about buying the droid from dell or the dell phone? is the latter then your not going to be able to cause it is a gsm phone at this point. if the former, why would you buy a phone from dell??? do you buy your tires at Mc Donald's? you might pay a minuscule less money for the phone via dell but the support isn't there!! have you tried calling customer support with dell? the stores have trained professionals willing to help you and another thing is that you would be supporting a local store and not a 3rd world country that would rather blow us up cause we are...

Jan 11, 2010, 3:55 AM
I'm curious. I just bought my Moto Droid directly from Verizon on 1/1/2010 and I definitely was not on contract (thus eligible for 'new every 2'). When I look at my receipt it says I paid $249.99+tax for it. Yes, I'll still get the $100 rebate on top of that for $149.99+tax (net).

How come I'm seeing that you guys were able to get it for %50 cheaper? Did I miss something or get screwed on something?

Thanks in advance! 😕

Jan 11, 2010, 8:31 PM
I am going to take a guess that their new every two was for $100 off (which I believe has changed to either $30 or $50 - depending on plan).

Jan 16, 2010, 10:17 AM
The least expensive price I found for the Moto Droid was $189.00 with an instant rebate.
You can check out here.
http://fernandoprendez.shopacnrep.com/wireless/ »

Enjoy your Droid. They rock

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