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Motorola Droid


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Inadvertent Muting


Dec 17, 2009, 1:07 AM
Has anyone had problems with inadvertently activating the Mute button while on a phone call (from their face touching it)? A few people were complaining about this in another forum - saying they were unintentionally turning the mute feature on while they were talking and then having folks hang up on them when they couldn't hear.

Dec 17, 2009, 10:01 AM
I haven't had this problem.

Makes me wonder if these people actually have a droid, or are trying to hold it out away from their face so avoid leaving faceprints. If the latter, they need a bluetooth; and maybe to use less makeup 😳

I am pretty sure the droid has either a proximity sensor, or simply uses the screen itself to sense the massive contact area and presume it's a face rather than a finger. The reason I think this is that whenever I have been on a call, and out the phone up to my face, the screen switches off. When you pull the phone away from your face, such as to see how long you've been on hold 😎 , it takes a second for the screen to come back on.

I KNOW there is a light sensor by the notification LED (just to th...

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