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Can the phone dial contacts via voice command over BT Headset?


Nov 10, 2009, 10:33 AM
This capability is essential for me. I use my phone in the car and must be able to dial "hands free" using the BT headset. Every Verizon phone I've owned can do this, but I'm hearing conflicting information about the Droid. On my Moto W755 it's pretty simple - I push the button on the headset, the phone says "say a command", I say "call Joe", and the phone places the call. Does the Droid do this or not?

Nov 12, 2009, 8:49 PM
Good question, hope someone knows the answer. I went into a local Verizon store today (not company owned), and played with a Droid for a few minutes. I paired up my bluetooth headset and tried to get it to respond, but nothing. The salesperson said that maybe it was because it was not activated yet? Doubtful. I hope it is something that I missed, because like you, I really need my phone to have the voicedial feature over bluetooth.

Nov 13, 2009, 2:48 AM
I hate to answer my own question, but I finally found the answer on another forum and then confirmed it on Google Adroid site. The Droid does not respond to voicedial commands over bluetooth. Buttons need to be pushed on the phone, and the voicedial must be addressed to the phone, not the bluetooth device. Also, it does not respond in the way most of us have become accustomed to and ask for confirmation. Instead you need to take your eyes off the road and look at the screen to confirm what name is to be called, and then select the name on the screen. It can answer an incoming call, but cannot make outgoing calls over bluetooth device. This is a deal breaker as far as I am concerned. ☹️
Going to the Google site and voting on the priori...

Dec 5, 2009, 4:17 PM
What is the URL for the Google Droid site where we can vote on upgrade recommendations?

Dec 5, 2009, 11:09 PM

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