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Apple iPhone


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Sep 19, 2007, 2:07 PM
Does any one know if or when the IPhone is coming out on Verizon?

Sep 19, 2007, 2:56 PM
Yeah. Never. there is something like a 3 year contract with at&t and it is a gsm phone. Apple was think global when they made it not just about Verizon and the U.S.

Sep 25, 2007, 7:19 PM
phonewhore is right - I heard it was a 5 year contract - but Apple MIGHT bust out another version of the iPhone and make it CDMA - but who knows. I feel [totally my opinion] they wont - its widely documented that Apple approached Verizon first for the iPhone and vzw said hell no. [I think its because vzw didnt want to give up a portion of the monthly service fee like ATT is] Justifies my feelings on VZW that they only care about screwing customers out of money. I know VZW is a business like anything else and they need to make money - but it seems like thats the MAIN focus - not the customers and the customers wants/needs/preferences.

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