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Voice recognition dialing on the iPhone


Aug 4, 2007, 9:56 PM
Interested in the iPhone - like the idea of having everything in one device however a critical feature for me (I'm a sales guy and on the road a lot) is hands free/voice recognition dialing. Been told the iPhone doesn't offer it but then I could possible download something like VoiceSignal.... Can someone enlighten me. Two other quick questions are: how easy/difficult is it to import all my MS Outlook contacts and e-mail over to the iphone and, how long does the battery last (I'm hearing a lot of different comments from 2 hours to 6 9 hours of talk time/browsing on the net).


Aug 6, 2007, 7:49 PM
it really depends on what your doing. The longer you have that screen on the more bat. your going to use up. also turn off things that your not using like blue tooth and wifi, also the amount of times the phone checks for new email. If you just use it like a phone (for Talking) i find it might last a few days. but if your a web head or you tube addict, you might want to make sure you have a charger near by. I use this cool charger/dock unit that plugs into the lighter and has a metal flex thing that lets you position it Ware you want. also has a swivel in case you want to watch movies (not while driving of corse.)the only down fall is that the audio out port will not work, you see this unit was meant for the ipod(as is most of the accessorie...

Aug 26, 2007, 12:00 AM
On another post I mentioned it DOES NOT have hands free bluetooth voicedialing. However, subscribe to Voicedial on ATT network, $5 per mo. & well worth it has many many extra features. Manually dial *08 on iphone. You can use redial on BT headset, just use redial to connect to network, presto. Also incoming calls do not affect your last redial #! You can also download all contacts on your PC to Voicedial. I had 173 & it easier to make corrections & changes! 😎

Aug 26, 2007, 6:55 PM
hey i wanted to agree on the voicedial from at&t for $5, its an awesome feature and you can upload addresses unto the web for the program. Look into it. https://voicedial.wireless.att.com/signin/sig nin.tsp

Aug 28, 2007, 6:34 PM
on top of that you can do various things from call, to send messages...and that is for up to 2000 contacts.

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