BlackBerry Pearl 8100
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Phone is locking up, is this common?
Have had the Pearl (AT,T model in OH) for just couple weeks now, love the phone and BB service mostly for checking emails so planned on keeping it, but just recently started having problems....
Twice in the last 3 days it has locked up, but didn't even know it until i tried to place a call. Go to dial and immediately flashes "Call Failed" then back to the home page. So got home and called mysel, goes straight to VM, never rings. Had to pull batt out to reset it, twice now. Last time was after I charged it, if that makes a difference. Just wondered if that has been a commone issue with the Pearl, or BB in general for that matter.
i have the tmobile pearl but maybe its the same for att. blackberry has put out a software update. if its not that maybe check to make sure the cage that holds your sim card is secure and actually locked, that would make it fail calls and go straight to voicemail.
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