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modem problem..please help...


May 16, 2006, 7:38 PM
ok..i upgraded from the v710 to the e815 today and i did all the hacks for the 815...bt over mpt...transflash copy directly...everything....i was able to use my v710 as a modem using the "yournumber"@vze3g.com and the password as vzw...i tried to do this with my e815..but i get this error.."Error 691: Access was denied because the usename and/or password was invalid on the domain."..does anyone know what this means...i know that i can use this as a modem because i enabled it on my friend's e815...does anyone have any thoughts?....

Jun 20, 2006, 8:50 AM
I'm having the same problem. Did you ever get an answer? If you do-pleasse contact me! I'm planning to go back to Verizon and trade down to a Moto 710 again!
I don't have a choce.

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