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bluetooth ring


Apr 15, 2006, 9:23 AM
does anyone know how to make my slvr ring with my mp3 ring tone, not the lame continental ring 👿 when bluetooth is activated?

Apr 15, 2006, 7:02 PM
You can try dropping the bitrate below 96Kbps... that might work.

You can also find a 3GP converter, and convert the MP3 to 3GP, and I believe that will work too. That might drop the quality too; haven't tried it.

Apr 20, 2006, 10:00 AM
it's not that i can't get my ringtones to play, it's that i can't get them to play when bluetooth is on. as soon as i turn off bluetooth my ringtones play again. i want them to play even with bluetooth on. i tried to get in touch with Motorola but got no response. any ideas??

Apr 23, 2006, 4:16 PM
That is what I was trying to tell you.

Standard Bluetooth can't handle playing CD quality sound, that's why they came up with the A2DP protocol.

If you drop the quality, it should be able to handle it. For example, I have a number of 3GP video files on my phone that will play the audio over bluetooth without a problem.

Apr 30, 2006, 1:23 PM
No, this isn't the deal. The motorola software only will play the standard ring out of the phone and through the headset. From what I understand, you can't change it, and it's one of the problems with the motorola software.

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